Every self respecting scout had one of these in their back pocket, a pocket knife in their front pocket and a rabbit’s foot keychain hanging off of their belt loop. So we had to get our own. The squirrels here been working on prototypes for this guy since June. After obsessing over a bazillion different combinations of handles, stains, shapes, leather pouches, draws, sizes & strengths- they finally arrived!
➕ hand made beech handle with a burned leather pouch or handle
➕ dark brown leather (heavy duty), camel leather pouch (standard)
➕ Slingshots measure 5" x 7.5"
➕ bag of ‘ammo’ (aka: river rocks from our beach)
The Wandawega Camp Store Shipping Details
If you're in a hurry & expecting next day shipping you might want to go elsewhere. Our tiny Camp team is most likely evicting raccoons from the treehouse or rescuing a lost canoe across the lake. We have a minimum order of $40 & we'll pull, pack & ship orders once a week. We're over the moon that people care enough about our tiny Camp to want some merch, so thanks for shopping, and thanks X10 for your patience with us.