Something for all you green thumbs. Grow your own bounty with the Wandawega Seed Co. Garden Kit. ‘Cause it’s never too late to start planning for next season.
"Garden as though you will live forever." - William Kent
1x Packet Watermelon Seeds
1x Packet Greenbean Seeds
1x Packet Basil Seeds
1x Packet Dill Seeds
1x Packet Wildflower Seeds
1x Packet Sunflower Seeds
1x Standard Issue Green Hand Trowel
1x Standard Issue Wandawega Lake Resort Garden Gloves
1x Wandawega Newspaper
➕ Seeds sourced from the Midwest, USA
➕ Dirt sold separately
The Wandawega Camp Store Shipping Details
If you're in a hurry & expecting next day shipping you might want to go elsewhere. Our tiny Camp team is most likely evicting raccoons from the treehouse or rescuing a lost canoe across the lake. We have a minimum order of $40 & we'll pull, pack & ship orders once a week. We're over the moon that people care enough about our tiny Camp to want some merch, so thanks for shopping, and thanks X10 for your patience with us.