Who remembers the standard camp-issue towels of their childhood? Scratchy. Ratty. Daylight shining through thin sheet sorta thing. Not big enough. At 10 years old, none of us knew what ‘Egyptian cotton’ was- and didn’t care.
At camp, in our relentless OCD pursuit of recapturing the experience of our childhood, we’ve been searching for a weaver to recreate them for us.
This follows our pursuit of making things harder than they need to be
— but it turns out that getting towels made in the same old school ‘Holiday Inn Circa 1960’ style has proven to be pretty damn hard to source.
For years, we’ve been making our towels so shitty that nobody wants to use them, let alone take them home. (They are dead stock military issue that we then silkscreened).
We were grateful to find a very patient fabric label company who endured many rounds of sourcing a dozen different fabric swatches for test print samples before we finally committed to the one that was ‘old enough’ ,‘faded enough’, 'Enough enough’.
They aren’t Egyptian cotton
They aren’t luxurious, or big or special in any way-
Other than you won’t find them anywhere else in the world.
➕ Made in the USA
➕ Towel size 48" x 24"
➕ silkscreened, sewn on label with "anti-theft" message
The Wandawega Camp Store Shipping Details